October isn’t just Spooky Season, it’s also #ADHDAwarenessMonth. Parents, teachers, and caregivers of children with ADHD understand that these kids have a unique way of looking at the world. Their unique perspective gives them many talents and gifts, but it can also pose challenges in certain situations, even everyday situations that others wouldn’t think twice about. While we want all kids to express themselves in their own way, we also need to help them adapt to the world around them. At Watch Me Shine, we craft special education programs to help children of all abilities flourish and thrive.
In observation of #ADHDAwarenessMonth, here are a few ways to help kids with ADHD thrive.
Make Life Predictable
This may seem like a tall order, but many things in day-to-day life are predictable. We know what time we have to get up, when we go to school, what our schedule is for the day, what time we will eat, and so on. All children need structure, but it is especially important for kids with ADHD. Establish a routine, and stick to it as much as possible. Of course, things come up that force you to deviate from your routine, but you can do your best to plan for those, too. For example, if your child is leaving school early because of a doctor’s appointment, remind them in the days leading up to it, and repeat the reminder more than once on the day itself.
Use Visuals
For kids with ADHD, visual aids like wall calendars and schedules help them keep track of their routine. This is especially helpful if not every day of the week looks exactly the same, as it does for most families. If your child knows there is always something they can look at to confirm what they will be doing that day or that week, it will make them much more comfortable and confident. Visuals are often easier for kids with ADHD to remember rather than spoken instructions.
Clarify Expectations
As adults, we sometimes forget that children don’t have the same ability that we do to assess and understand the expectations of a new situation. In many cases, kids with ADHD have a harder time understanding expectations than other children. Special education teachers can help clarify these expectations when your child is at school, but it is up to parents and caregivers outside of the classroom. When bringing your child to a new place or into a new environment, lay out as clearly as you can what you expect from them, and encourage them to ask questions when they don’t understand. If they behave in a way that isn’t appropriate, clearly explain why that behavior isn’t okay and what they should do instead.
Helping All Kids Thrive with Special Education Programs
During #ADHDAwarenessMonth, we want these kids to understand and appreciate just how special we think they are. Our special education programs are designed to help all kids use their strengths and talents to help them thrive in all areas of life. Contact us at (207) 990-0162 to learn more about our programs and how we can help your child.