Many childcare and special education centers advertise the fact that they take an individual approach in their programs. That definitely sounds like something you want for your child, but what does it mean, exactly, and what does it look like? At Watch Me Shine, we understand the unique needs and challenges that every child faces, especially those with ADHD, autism, or other special needs.
Here’s an overview of what we mean by an “individualized approach” and why it is so important, especially in special education.
Care and Attention
Children of all ages want attention from their parents and caregivers. While we do our best to give them the care and attention they need and deserve, if there is a larger number of kids in a classroom or special education program, there’s only so much the teachers can do. In a class or program that takes the individual approach, the number of students is much lower, so the teachers and other adults in the room can spend more time with each child. For a special education program to be successful, the educators need to keep the groups small to maximize one-on-one time. That’s what we do at Watch Me Shine.
Your kids do a lot more than just go to school. They spend time at home with immediate and extended family, they have friends, and participate in after-school activities. Through our individualized approach, we take every aspect of your child’s life into account when craft their program. By building a unique plan for each child, we can set goals and accurately assess if they are meeting their goals and hitting important milestones.
Valuing the Student
While many students thrive in schools and programs that use a board approach, there are several drawbacks. The most significant is that the teachers don’t have to time to get to know each student as a person. With an individual approach the teachers and other staff can take the time they need to get to know each child so they can think of them as more than just names in gradebook.
Special Education Programs at Watch Me Shine
Watch Me Shine takes pride in our individualized, holistic approach toward our students. It allows our students to learn in a caring, nurturing environment that caters to their individual needs. If you are seeking special education and care for your child that allows them to shine, call us today at (207) 990-0162 and see what we can do for you and your child today!