Fake Snow Sensory Bins for Indoor Winter Play

Fake Snow Sensory Bins for Indoor Winter Play

Playing outside in the snow is an essential experience for kids who grow up in New England. However, getting outside to play isn’t always an option. It can get much too cold to be outside for very long, and it gets dark pretty quickly, so there’s not always time after school. But staying inside doesn’t mean you can’t play with snow! Special education programs have included sensory play for a long time, and you can easily make fake snow sensory bins at home.


 Continue the benefits of sensory play and special education at home! Try one of these easy ways to make fake snow for a sensory bin.


Baking Soda and Shaving Cream

Making fake snow from baking soda and shaving cream only takes a few minutes, and the result is actually cold to the touch! All you need is a one-pound box of baking soda (like the one you leave in the back of the fridge) and a can of simple, unscented shaving cream. Pour the baking soda into a bowl and cover it with shaving cream. The layer of shaving cream should be three to four inches deep. Mix the shaving cream and baking soda until it becomes crumbly and slightly fluffy. It will look quite a bit like snow! If the texture doesn’t seem quite right, add more baking soda or shaving cream as needed.


Cornstarch and Conditioner

A similar method that will result in a slightly different texture is using cornstarch and hair conditioner. Mix two cups of cornstarch with half a cup of white conditioner. It’s best to use a conditioner with a simple formula and minimal ingredients. The texture of this mixture will be a little more crumbly, and the cornstarch can give it a slightly yellowish color. However, it still makes a great fake snow mixture that is fun to play with!


Salt Tray

If you don’t have the time (or don’t want to clean up) one of these fake snow mixtures, you can make a salt tray instead of a snow sensory bin. Pour some salt into a shallow tray for a tactile play experience with minimal mess. You can also use multiple types of salt to add more textures. You can use regular table salt, rock salt, sea salt, or even Epsom salt. Mix them together or put each salt in a separate tray so the kids can feel the differences in textures between the types of salt.


Watch Me Shine provides special education, therapy programs, early intervention, and more in Bangor, Maine. Contact us at (207) 990-0162 to learn more.

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